News + Events

  1. Interviewed for Green Museum podcast

    2021-04-19 15:58:22 UTC
    I had a great conversation with Hilary Wilson for Green Museum about my creative practice and the topic of “ecological grief”. You can find this new podcast on apple Podcast and Spotify.  

  2. Class at MMW+C - Begins in April

    2021-04-03 14:05:11 UTC
    Interested to better understand what the “Anthropocene” means? Who are artists whose work resides in this realm? From understanding deep time to pollution and climate refugees, there’s plenty for us to dig into. Teaching a short course online at Maine Media Workshops + College “The Image + the Anthropocene” beginnin…

  3. Published on Artists & Climate Change

    2021-03-10 00:02:11 UTC
    Check out @artsandclimate. It is a great resource to locate artists working with climate change and resources if you are interested in finding a class to enroll in at a college, or if you are a teacher looking to incorporate more climate content in your courses. I recently wrote a…

  4. Interviewed in French Photo Answers

    2020-12-31 19:17:26 UTC
    Check out the French magazine Responses Photo for a recent interview published in their December issue. I appreciated the thougthfulness of the questions from Julien Bolle, and I love the layout. Link to the magazine here

  5. Receives EBF Residency

    2020-12-03 16:29:20 UTC
    I am very excited to have received an artist residency at the Ellis-Beauregard Foundation for the month of December. I am using the time and space to embark on new ideas, new work, new media. Right now, it’s a blank canvas. There will be more to note later. Thank you…

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