
This page is a small collection of resources which are available for those seeking more information, to make meaningful actions, and/or to seek community.

Building Community & Being Informed

Good Grief Network

Good Grief Network (GGN) is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that brings people together to metabolize collective grief, eco-distress, and other heavy emotions that arise in response to daunting planetary crises.

GGN runs peer-to-peer support groups that help folks recognize, feel, and process their heavy emotions, so that these feelings may be transformed into meaningful action. 

Not Too Late

Not Too Late brings strong climate voices from around the world to address the political, scientific, social, and emotional dimensions of the most urgent issue human beings have ever faced. Accessible, encouraging, and engaging, it's an invitation to everyone to understand the issue more deeply, participate more boldly, and imagine the future more creatively.

Stay informed with people who write about the world we live in such as David Wallace-Wells. He has a newsletter which you can sign up for.


Curious about your carbon footprint? You can receive a quick estimate from the TNC's calculator.

You can also check out the incredible resources they offer or find ways to get involved.

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