News + Events

  1. 2016 Workshops Posted

    2016-02-11 21:42:00 UTC
    Going to be an amazing summer, this 2016!  Teaching a number of workshops at Maine Media Workshops this spring and summer, ranging form 2-day Lightroom Intensives to week-long sessions in black & white darkroom. The gorgeous catalog should be in your mailbox soon! You can see workshops I’m leading on…

  2. Interviewed by Kenny Cole in Maine Arts Journal

    2016-01-06 21:44:00 UTC
    The Union of Maine Visual Artists published the Winter 2016 issue of the Maine Arts Journal UMVA Quarterly.  I was recently interviewed by artist Kenny Cole on the journal’s theme of Impermanence relating to the Melt project. You can check out the entire journal free online.

  3. Melt make Sun Journal’s Year in Weird Roundup

    2015-12-07 22:18:00 UTC
    Earlier this year, Supercluster Arion & Other Phenomena was featured by Katrhyn Skelton in the Sun Journal’s  Weird, Wicked Weird. Katrhyrn was in touch recently to see what else I was up to, and that would be Melt. Love being included in the year’s highlights!  You can read the full…

  4. Melt Reviewed in Art New England

    2015-12-03 22:21:00 UTC
    Thank you to Carl Little who reviewed our group show at Susan Maasch Fine Art (SMFA) in the November/December issue of Art New England. The show features painter Kiki Gaffney, photographer David Caras, and works from my project Melt. Didn’t catch the show at SMFA?? No worries, you can still…

  5. Melt featured on Lenscratch

    2015-11-12 22:24:00 UTC
    Thank you to the amazing Aline Smithson for her introducing MELT to the Lenscratch community. I had the opportunity to catch up with her in Maine this summer while we were both teaching at Maine Media Workshops. She is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!   You can catch the feature  on Lenscratch here Melt N51…

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