Making Work in the Anthropocene: A Critique Community (Online) @ Maine Media Workshops

(Begins 03/03; six meetings, every other week (3/17, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/12); 6 -8:30pm EST)

This time of the Anthropocene finds us living in a complicated world waiting for our investigation and unpacking. The climate predicament and all of its related issues –  including biodiversity, resource extraction, pollution, land use, (un)natural disasters, extreme conditions, resource availability and use, migration, and eco-distress – are part of the vast interconnected world.

Our work as artists can emerge from many motivations including awareness, understanding, activism, and/or seeking meaningful action.This workshop is for anyone who is initiating (or already in development of) an environmental-themed series or long-form project looking for a community to share work, strategies, and concerns. All visual methodologies are encouraged to participate; documentary, fine art, and experimental, or somewhere in between.

The Cameraless Darkroom @ Maine Media Workshops 

July 14 - 18

Serendipity and discovery await those willing to work with process and materials for the unfolding magic of the silver darkroom. In this week we’ll investigate printing strategies for combining old and new technologies, such as pinhole, lumens, chemigrams, photograms, and printing from your smartphone. This week is intended for anyone interested in working with unconventional methods in the black & white silver darkroom to grow potential avenues of creative expression. Participants can expect to come away with strategies for making unconventional works from traditional and non-conventional materials. 

Plant-Based Photography: Materials and Methods @ Maine Media Workshops  

July 28 - Aug 1, 2025

Looking to add more eco-friendlier processes to your photography?  In this week we will work with a range of materials and processes that utilizes plants to create imagery. These processes can be undertaken without a traditional darkroom. We'll work with cyanotypes, anthotypes, phytograms, and chlorphyll prints. And we'll learn some basics of plant identification for our foraging, as well as best practices for collecting plants.

Private Mentoring 

Project development, editing, sequencing offered via web meetings. Contact me and let me know how I can help.

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